Conventions. There’s usually so much jam-packed into three or four days of awesome that you don’t even realize you’ve been awake for 72 hours… until you crash hard on Monday morning. I know you know what I’m talking about, because I see you over there nodding your head with vacant eyes, your mind still in a blur from all of the tweet ups, meet ups, games, activities, celebrity sightings and signings, vendors, exhibits, and cosplay. So much fabulous cosplay.
So then how do you bounce back from the inevitable con fatigue that sets in after a whirlwind weekend of fun? I think I have your answer, and I call it Convention Calm: Con Fatigue Bath Tea.
Bath TEA? What’s that?! If you’ve never used it before, bath tea is great. It looks like a typical tea bag, but it’s not meant to be ingested… it’s meant to steep in hot bath water instead of hot water in a mug. It’s a fancy way of getting bath salts, essential oil, and dried herbs in your bath water to help you relax, without all the mess of having dried herbs floating in your tub. (Because weird.) Think of it as tea for your tub, and instead of drinking it… you soak in it. This special bath tea is a blend of 100% pure certified lavender essential oil, dried lavender herbs, and European bath salts. Soothing lavender is said to help promote relaxation and sleep, while European bath salts are said to relieve muscle tension and strain. So basically it turns your bath water into magic!
Convention Calm: Con Fatigue Bath Tea was just released today, so go check it out! And while we’re on the topic of new things, I’ve been hinting at new superhero soap designs being added to my Superhero Soap collection… and those are finally here, too. Also released today were Wonder Woman, Flash, and Green Lantern designs, hooray! The newest members of the collection were inspired by my son the geekling, who is a huge fan of the DC Super Friends, and so I’d been planning their designs for like, ever. But I am also especially thankful for a fan named Natalie, who has been asking about the Green Lantern soap for awhile. She finally kicked me into gear to get the Green Lantern re-design done and the new designs ready. Thanks, Natalie!
We’re pretty much kicking off convention season and summer like a boss around here. Oh, and don’t forget your towel on Sunday, May 25 for Towel Day & Geek Pride Day! Have a great weekend. :)